Friday 8 April 2016

Micro Teaching and Skills session held at Axel Public School

On 30th March 2016, an interactive session on Micro Teaching and Skills was organized in the school premises for the teachers. Dr Deepak Kumar Pradhan from USTM was the resource person .
It was short but quite interesting and interactive.  I was a little sceptical in the beginning as I found it a bit difficult to understand his pronunciation and way of talking.  But gradually it became more interesting as he knew how to make his class alive and grab the attention and interest of his students.
The teaching techniques and skills he discussed were also quite effective and helpful. I’m glad and happy to say that I have also implemented many of them in my classroom teaching. I believe I can try implementing more to make my teaching more effective and dynamic. It is a challenge sometimes when we are in the real situation but I hope and believe that if we have the willingness,  we can definitely achieve it.

All in all,  I feel it was a very good session, and I hope and believe it would greatly help us in improving and managing our class better.

Jenny Traits

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