Monday 25 January 2016

Importance of Teacher-Student Interaction Sessions in School

Effective teacher-student interactions are an active and an important ingredient for social and academic development of the student. A personal interaction of the teacher with his or her students can make a major difference for students. With low student- teacher ratio Axel Public School aims at all round development of its students. At Axel Public School the teachers take individual care and attention of the students and guide them to achieve better academic results. Regular teacher-student interaction sessions are also encouraged at Axel Public School because it creates a sense of excitement about learning amongst the students. These interaction sessions also make the students feel comfortable in the classroom and build a positive environment in the classroom. Teachers who promote positive relationships with their students generate a classroom atmosphere more conducive to learning and meet the emotional, developmental and academic needs of the student. The career guidance cell in Axel Public School assists the students to handle their present challenges and assist to explore their choice and future opportunities.

The key factor in maintaining a good teacher-student relationship is that he or she needs to continuously monitor the student in order for him or her to be aware of any problems that a student is facing. Understanding the difficulties, confusion or fear of the student will give the teacher a better knowledge about the student learning problems. Once the teacher becomes conscious of the problems faced by the student he or she can help them teach better and thus making them feel secure and less confused when learning is occurring in the classroom.

Strong teacher-student interactions may be one of the major environmental aspects in changing a student’s educational path. The quality of teacher-student relationship will result in a greater degree of learning in the classroom. A good teacher-student relationship may be the keystone that allows the other aspects to work well.

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