Monday 4 July 2016

Ways to Help Your Children Succeed At School


A Child's first and most important teacher is their parents itself. When
parents and families are involved in their children's activities, the
children do better and have better feelings about going to school. There are
many ways that parents can support their children's learning at home and
throughout the school year.
Develop a partnership with your child's teachers and school staff
As soon as the school year starts, try to find a way to meet your child's
teacher. Let the teacher know you want to help your child learn. Try to know
the people at your child's school who are there to help grow your child
learn, grow socially and emotionally and navigate the school environment. 
Schools usually have few parent-teacher's meet each year. Parents should
attend the parent-teacher's meet and keep in touch with your child's
Support your child academically
Ask the teacher how well your child is doing in class compared to other
students. If your child is having problems with learning, ask the school to
evaluate your child in his or her strongest language. Make sure that your
child gets homework done. Let your child know that you think education is
important and that homework needs to be done each day. If it is difficult
for you to help your child with homework or school projects, see if you can
find someone else who can help or contact the school.
Tests play an important role in determining a student's grade. Parents
should help their child prepare for the test.
Get involved with your child's school
Parents should read the information the school sends home, and ask to
receive information in your native language if necessary. Remember to keep 
track of events throughout the school year. Teachers appreciate it when parents 
help out at the school! 
Support your child's learning at home
Showing our children that we both value education and use it in our daily
lives provides them with powerful models and contributes greatly to their
success in school. Helping your child become a reader is the single most
important thing that you can do to help the child to succeed in school-and
in life. Talking and listening play major roles in children's school
success. It's through hearing parents and family members talk and through
responding to that talk that young children begin to pick up the language
skills they will need if they are to do well. Libraries are places of
learning and discovery for everyone. Encourage your child to use the library
on a daily basis. 
Taking responsibility and working independently are important qualities for
school success. Therefore, encourage your child to be responsible and work

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