Tuesday 3 May 2016

Interactive Counselling Session held on 9th April 2016

“A child educated only at school is an uneducated child”—George Santayana

CounsellingParents and educators are partners in education. When they come together and are inspired to facilitate learning, our children are the winners. With this objective an interactive counselling session with the school authority, students of class-XII, their parents and the PGT teachers was organised in Axel Public School, Lokhra on 9thApril, 2016. The session was meant for formulating and strengthening the education process to the students as it is the most important subject which the educators may be engaged in. 

The session started at 9 am with the registration of parents and students. The  response was very much appreciable. They were given a warm welcome and the objectives of the interactive session were highlighted.

A valuable and inspirational speech was delivered by Hon’ble Director, Mr. Prasanta Choudhury. He reminded the students about the duties and responsibilities and advised them regarding management of time, which is the need of the hour.
Counselling 1

Separate questionnaires prepared for parents and students were handed out, where they gave their views and suggestions. The questionnaires provided information about parent-child relationship, interests of the students, their strength and weakness and daily schedule.
Leonardo da Vinci had said, “Time stays long enough for those who use it”.
Everybody should value time as it is very precious. A wonderful video on the value of time was played in order to pave the way to success through proper planning and utilisation of time.
The Principal, Mrs Monti Gogoi Choudhury, expressed pleasure and happiness on the co-operation extended by the parents and students. She started the session by mentioning about the bond between parents, students and teachers.
Role played by parents is very vital which the parents agreed to and opined that their role is not to provide education only but to educate their children mentally and spiritually as well. They need to make their children feel secure and loved. It is the parents who mould the child.
School/Educational institution is considered to be the temple of learning. Educators assist the learners in the institute. School does not provide knowledge pertaining to course content only but educators give in their best to inculcate values and ethics from a very young age. Educators will be able to guide well with the co-operation of the students.
Students should realise their roles and responsibilities inside as well as outside the classroom. Their good behaviour inside the classroom will enable them to acquire the knowledge and skills whereas good behaviour outside the classroom will set examples for others.
Parents, students and educators have to overcome various problems. These problems were catered to during the counselling session. A common problem faced by parents is to make their children study as majority of them do not like to study. So parents face a tough time in motivating them to study. Other problems discussed were – management of time, excess use of mobile phones, excess surfing of the net, playing games and unaware of friends.
Students were given the opportunity to share their problems. Most of them face difficulty in managing time for self study. A few students also expressed the need to develop a friendly relation with their parents. Some also queried about the necessity of following rules and regulations in the school.
The teachers also placed the problems they face in the classroom. Some of the problems were irregularity in school, lack of co-operation , concentration, sincerity, hesitation in clearing doubt, inattentiveness in the class, lack of communication with parents.
The counselling session ended on a positive note wherein it was agreed that for the proper progress and development of the students it is very much essential to motivate and appreciate their achievements and effort. The importance of monitoring the activities of the children was discussed. To cope up with today’s competition children were given tips to handle the stress.
At the end parents, teachers and the school management all expressed their willingness to work as a community with the objective of nurturing and moulding future valuable, responsible citizens of tomorrow.
Dubari Barooah
PGT, Biology
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