Wednesday 24 February 2016

Saraswati : Goddess of Learning

Goddess Saraswati symbolizes knowledge, art and wisdom. Every year, she is worshipped across the entire Indian subcontinent during the month of Magh. Axel fraternity held a divine Saraswati Puja this year on 13th of February. The whole teaching staff was cleaved into groups. Each group was allocated respective Puja chores. A squad of students also collaborated with them as volunteers. All the duties and responsibilities were successfully effectuated. 

Multitudinous parents, relations and friends of the pupils and teachers as well came to seek the blessings of the Goddess. The students, especially of classes tenth and twelfth performed the ritual of Anjali( offertory prayer) as they will be appearing for their Board examinations.

The school arena was filled with young girls and boys draped in Indian traditional attires owing to the age-old custom of Saraswati Puja.

It was out and out a blissful aura. Prasad was dispersed and all savoured it.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Study hard study smart

Every student desires to achieve good academic results, and for that it requires a lot of dedication and hard work. We at Axel Public School take individual care and attention of all our students and guide them to achieve the best academic results. Axel’s In – House Coaching Centre and Career and Guidance Cell prepares the students for their future through tutoring, counselling and internships. However, only mentoring and getting the required study materials is not enough, one must develop good study habits in order to succeed. The sooner you get into a good study habit the chances of securing good marks will improve.

Let’s discuss some of the best study tips for students.

Create your study space

Everyone has your own idea of selecting their own study space. You can study anywhere, but definitely study rooms, libraries and study lounges are obviously the best places for studying. Your study space should be comfortable, quiet and distraction free. So try selecting a good physical environment as a part of your study habits.

Study every day

Studying every day will help you understand your lessons well and will also avoid the stress of last-minute learning. A little bit of study every day will also help you to continually reviewing your lessons in your mind. So, always try to study at least for 3-4 hour every day, depending on your curriculum.

Manage your time

You must always plan your time so that you can make the most of your study time. It is advisable to set alarms about your regular study plans. Stick a wall planner so that you can regularly keep an eye on your exams and assignment due dates. Also stick in your regular study time table and follow accordingly. Before starting your study session always check your study time table and set time for yourself to spend on each subject.

Review and revise your lessons

Reviewing and revising will help you to remember your lessons well. You should make it a point to revise your lessons that you have studied in class at least once a week. Try helping your friends with their lessons, ask questions to your friends, and in this way you can find out what you know and what you still need to learn.

Take breaks in between your study

Studying too long can actually decrease your concentration level, so it is important that you take breaks in between your study time especially when you are tired or frustrated. When taking a break, be sure you get away from your study space or desk. Little bit of walking may help you to relax your mind.

Understand your learning style

Most of us have our own style of learning. Some learn by listening, some by seeing and some by doing the task. If you learn by listening you can record you key points and listen whenever you want. If you are a visual learner then you can make diagrams or can use colours in your notes to help represent the key points. If you learn by doing the task then you can apply methods like building models or role-playing to understand your key point. Therefore it is good to discover your own learning style so that you can learn your best.

If you really want to excel in your academic career then you must not only read but make sure you cultivate good studying habits. Following a proper study method will not only improve your performance but will also increase your learning ability in general.

Wishing you all the best – Axel Public School

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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Axel Public School: Farewell cum Prom Night

Never did the acreage of Axel gleamed so much as it did in the evening of 28th January,2016; as we celebrated the Farewell cum Prom Night for the first batch of standard 12th. The school building was embellished with alluring midget lights! There were colourful balloons at the entrance of the building and a red carpet laid along the path leading to the middle courtyard. The walls of the middle courtyard were filled with photo snaps capturing the special moments of achievement by various students on various aspects. Write-ups and drawings about every single student were pinned on. Students too were asked to pervade empty cards with their memories, thoughts, feelings, opinions and emotions of being in Axel. Students looked stunning in their modish outfit. Three attractive photo frames were kept to serve as backdrops for the Hollywood Stars of Axel! Teachers, students alike posed for selfies and group photos.

There was a professional Disc. Jockey(DJ) mixing rocking musical scores to the rhythm of which everybody danced!

There were honours and gifts bestowed to the winners of special nominations such as Mr. and Miss Axel, Miss Beautiful Eyes and Smile, Mr. and Miss Best Dressed etc. Moreover, the food was very delicious. Five appetizing starters and a delectable dinner was served for all! It was a memorable event. We all relished it! 

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